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Exact String Search Trouble

  1. Bing Search Exact String
  2. Search Exact Words
Exact String Search Trouble

Bing Search Exact String

May 15, 2011  Most of my searches are for exact phrases. Evernote seems to assume that most of my searches are for Any word or All words, since those are the only options in the drop down list.Lets say I want the phone number of American Express, so I. Compares two text strings and returns TRUE if they are exactly the same, FALSE otherwise. EXACT is case-sensitive but ignores formatting differences. Use EXACT to test text being entered into a document. Copy the example data in the following table, and paste it.

Search exact match

Can we use the Findw? But somehow i am not getting correct answer Lets say if my data is something like this data new; input number 8. Str $200; cards; 1 phone is not present 2 Phoneid is not present 3 Phonenum is present 4 Phonenew is absent 5 Phone is present 6 PHONE is also there 7 pHone is there 8 phonenum and phone is not there 9 phonenum is present; run; Output should be 1 phone is not present 5 Phone is present 6 PHONE is also there 7 pHone is there 8 phonenum and phone is not there I am really confused. What to use and what not. Can we use PRXMATCH for same task. I think your response, and Patrick above it, both do the same as posted before, just finding any instance of the word Phone with any capitilisation. The OP clearly shows that he only wants one record per instance of the word per the casing present.

Search Exact Words

OP, did you try the code I presented. It assumes that you want the latest in sequence of where a particular capitilisation exists, however you will need to update it to cover spaces as well (as that wasn't in the original test data): data want; set new; newstr=scan(str,1,' '); /.


This here takes the first set of characters up until the underscore or blank, i.e. The first word in any capitilisation./ run; /. This step then works on that first word, outputting the last instance of that string (including upcase or lowcase varieties)./ /. You may actually want to sort the dataset by this word, and the id variable./ data want; set want; by newstr notsorted; if last.newstr then output; run.